Modern-day living has affected each and every aspect of our lives. Right from cars, fashion and technology to the world of architecture and interiors, everything has seen a sea change. To keep pace with time, it is necessary to go with trends. In this exclusive blog post, following are the points we are going to discuss some of the latest trends which will help you bring a contemporary flair into your interiors-
Let the Light Enter Your Interiors Effortlessly
When modern design periods started emerging in the late 1960s, there was a clear break from the conventional dark interiors with small windows and closed-off rooms. Well-lit and airy rooms superseded the smaller and darker ones, and the trend continues. Therefore, you need to go for the right floor plan which lets in sufficient natural light through floor-to-glass windows. Make use of translucent glass for private areas.
Choose Subtle Colours with Accents of More Vibrancy
Use neutral tones of gray, and brown along with black and white for flooring, lighting fixtures, and furnishings. These colors make your imagination go creative with patterns and textures. Just because you are using a neutral color, it never means your interiors will get boring. For example, texturally rich furniture made from the best quality plywood in India is always beautiful to the touch as well as eyes.
Also Read: 3 Key Tips to Design Interiors like an Expert
Use of Natural Materials Can Make a Difference
Contemporary living has brought about a new sense of utilizing organic materials such as slate, teak, cotton, wood, rock, wool and various other significant textiles in modern interiors. Include them as much you can, and the outcome will simply be outstanding.
Also Read: Design Ideas that Add Character to a Home’s Interiors
There’s Hidden Technology Behind Your Gorgeous Interiors
One of the areas of modern interior design that everybody falls in love with is “hidden details”. You see and experience innovative technology in your smart world for cell phones, computers, and also in modern homes. Keep the details of wireless and remote access controls for controlling lighting, electronics, heating/cooling systems, security devices, and many others fully hidden to make your interiors extremely beautiful. Make technology a part of the “hidden luxury details” of your contemporary home.
Modern-day living has transformed our lifestyles across the board, from cars to fashion and interiors. To stay up-to-date, this blog explores the latest trends for contemporary interiors. Embrace ample natural light, subtle color palettes, natural materials, and hidden technology for a stylish home. Elevate your living space now!